Tuesday, January 3, 2012


"I love your outfit. It reminds me of something
I would pin on pinterest."

"You Remind me of Audrey Hepburn. Seriously.
You kind of look like her, and you're just so classy!"

Today, I received the two best complements ever.

I also found out that guys facebook stalk. Guys facebook stalk! Who would've thunk it.

And I got an Instax camera for Christmas. I'm so excited, you don't even know. 

1 comment:

Haylee said...

Gahh why are you so freaking pretty? It's really not fair. I agree 100% with those compliments, especially with the Audrey Hepburn. You really DO look like her.
Oh and for the record, I am soo. freaking. jealous of your Christmas gift. Not fair. Not fair at all.