Thursday, August 25, 2011


Awkward: -My friend Cassidy invited me to see Cowboys and Aliens with her and her friend from school. I said “Heck yeah!” because dude? Daniel Craig? And Harrison Ford? Ohhhh dang.
But anyways, after the movie we went over to her friend’s house so that Cassidy and her mom Rockelle could say goodbye to her older brother. (He was leaving for his mission the next morning.) I introduced myself and wished him luck on his mission, then shook his hand. His handshake was SO. WEAK. Seriously guys. This is one of my BIGGEST pet peeves. When I shake a grown man’s hand, his hand shake should be stronger than mine. Wouldn’t you agree? I hate when guys handshakes are all limp and weird. You know?
Anyways, after we left, I explained all of this to Rockelle. She shared the same handshake pet peeve as me, which was refreshing. (I thought I was the only one) I told her not to say anything to anyone at all. Because that would be totally awkward if he found out, right? She promised she wouldn’t tell a soul, and I slept peacefully that night.
Then Sunday came around, and guess what Cassidy tells me? That Rockelle not only told somebody, but she told THE BOY. And not only did she tell the boy, but she told him about ME, and that I said it. At first I was really mad, but then I decided to look at it on the bright side. He was somewhat attractive, and maybe he will remember me…
Who am I kidding. There is no bright side to that. That was just plain ol’awkward.

-I had a sleepover at Laura’s house the other night. We were out in the road with her brother Erik just hanging out and talking and light saber fighting. (no big deal.) Laura and I decided to sit down on the ground so we could look at the stars. As I was sitting down, Laura said: “CasiDee. I think you’re sitting on something…” I stood up and to my surprise, saw that I had sat on a DEAD BIRD THAT WAS MUSHED INTO THE GROUND. You guys, I was so scared/freaked out/worried/grossed out/on the verge of puking that I couldn’t say anything. (This never happens to me! I always have things to say!) Erik started screaming things like “Oh my gosh! CasiDee! Remind me never to hug you ever! Oh gross! Oh GROSS! Ahhhhh!”And Laura was just laughing uncontrollably.

-The missionaries were over the other day (like always) and one of them was petting my dog. Then, out of nowhere, this missionary says: “Oh Gila…you’re worse than a California girl…” I asked him what he meant by this, and he look confused.“You know…because all California girls want is attention…?” I seriously laughed SO. HARD.

-Facebook video chat. Am I the only one who thinks this is awkward beyond awkward? Just because I am friends with someone on facebook doesn’t mean I want to talk to them. With normal chat I can just ignore someone and they will think that I'm not there. (come on, you know you've done this too.) But with video chat they can see when you say no! Dude! SO awkward!
{Laura and I using facebook video chat.}

-My school schedule came in the mail the other day. I died a little bit inside when I saw it.

Awesome: -I’ve gone to the pit of pitas (aka: The Pita Pit.) (aka: better than Disney world.) about 100 times this summer. It’s so so so yummy! And healthy! And yummy! Exclamation point!

- I’ve also been to Old Navy about 100 times this summer. My latest purchase is this really cute mint green cardigan jacket thingy. It’s so comfortable. Oh my dang.

-Speaking of Disney World...guess where I will be on my 16th birthday?!?!?!

-Speaking of my 16th birthday, guess who is going to be 16 in 6 months?!?!?!

-I got the new(ish) David Archuletta CD for like TWO BUCKS at a book store that is going out of business. It even came with a poster. Oh dang! Best two bucks I’ve ever spent!

-I bought some really cute bedding and a really cute mustache pillow from Urban Outfitters today! I am so excited to get them in the mail! :)


jessica whitaker said...

HAHAHAH! OH my goodness!!! You sat on a dead bird?! NASTAAAA. But oh my goodness I can totally see that happening. LOOL you're so funnaayyy!

Anonymous said...

Lol I love you CasiDee!! You make me laugh!

Haylee said...

hahaha the missionary limp handshake story is hilarious. Just watch, you'll end up marrying the guy. :)
Dead bird story= freaking digusting. haha seriously I think I would have taken a 5 hour shower after that.
Agreed with the FB video chat. Actually with just FB chat in general, I think it needs to go. I go on Facebook to stalk people, not to actually talk to them, come on!
Pita Pit! Ahh you and I would definitely get along. I am in loove with that place. Their chicken pitas are pretty much the bomb.
Your UO bedding is SOO freaking cute, I'm kind of obsessed actually. It's like Chevron heaven. You better post a picture of your lovely bed once it arrives!

Rachel Mcgee said...

CasiDee: Do you remember me from girls camp (rachel kang)? I got a link for your blog from Emma Young. Love your blog btw. :) That's so cool that your going to Disney World! Gross about the bird.

Rockelle said...

NOT TRUE! I didnt tell the boy...I told the boys MOM...and I had to tell who when she asked....and we all laughed about it. The Boys going to tell the boy discreetly and get him to work on his awful handshake.'. Sorry I made you mad, BUT he does need to know and correct his ONE fault eh..cause yah otherwise he is pretty cute. Maybe you should write to him!