Tuesday, August 30, 2011

goals, shmoals.

at EFY, we were told to make a "mid-year goals" list of things that we wanted to accomplish.
we were also told to put this list in a spot that we will see everyday.
i put my list in my typewriter that sits on my dresser next to my door.
everyday as i walk out the door, i read the list to myself.
so that way, i will remember it and work on it throughout the day.
but lets be honest here. i've done squat.
okay, so i've gone running a few times.
and i actually have been trying really hard to listen more in sunday school. i really have!
and i bore my testimony at girls camp.
that's about it.
so i figured, if i were to put my list on my blog, maybe i would actually work on it?
probably not.
but its worth a shot.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Way to be.