Tuesday, June 25, 2013


Once upon a time, I got home from a long day at work and thought, "Hey. I feel like doing something." So do something I did.
An hour later Cassidy, Laura, & I grabbed a couple big blankets and drove to our local pub/outdoor restaurant/indoor restaurant/concert hall/park/haunted hotel.
I parked my car next to this really nice motorcycle. (Quick side note about me: I love motorcycles. Looove them. Every time I see a nice motorcycle I have to stop and take a good look at it and go, "Woah! Nice motorcycle!" My parents get really annoyed every time I do so. "You're not getting a motorcycle!" They say. "We'll see about that." I say.)
So as I was getting out of my car this guy walks up to the motorcycle and starts getting on it. So I figured I would tell him how much I love his bike, right? This is how our conversation went:
Me: Hey man! Nice bike! It's gorgeous.
Then the guy turns around and smiles at me and HOLY COW WAS HE GOOD LOOKING. I was so distracted by how hot the bike was that I didn't even notice how hot the guy riding the bike was.
Bike guy: Wow, thank you!
And then I got awkward. Another side note about me: every time I talk to someone I find even the slightest bit attractive I get verbal diarrhea. It's bad, you guys.
Me: Uhhhhh, yeah. It's ummmm...really nice. Nice bike...? Uhhhhhh yeah......
Bike guy: Well, thank you. Are you going in?
Me: Yeah!
Bike guy: Cool! I'll see you in there?
Me: Yeah, okay! Of course!
Then he hopped onto his bike and rode away. And my friends laughed and explained the whole thing to me. Apparently when he said "going in" he didn't mean "going into the park to watch The Goonies on the ground with every other family in this part of Oregon." like I figured. In fact he meant "going into the bar that we were parked right in front of." My bad.
Then as we were setting up our blankets Laura said that she saw the motorcycle guy parked at the bike rack, holding his helmet in his hands, staring at me like he was waiting for us to walk into the bar with him. And I just walked right past him. Man, am I oblivious!

So here's to you, attractive motorcycle man-
I'm sorry I stood you up. Next time join us on the lawn as we watch family friendly movies. Or maybe not, that might be weird.
Yours truly, girl in the beat-up gold corolla.   

Long story short(ish): a few more friends showed up and we watched The Goonies, which is one of my very favorite movies ever and fun fact! it was filmed here in Oregon. And then afterwords we took some instax pictures.


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