Saturday, August 24, 2013


Once upon a time, Laura asked me to dedicate a blog post to her. I said "sure thing!" but since I'm basically the worst blogger on the face of the never happened.
But guess what? This girl turned the big 1-6 on Tuesday (even though, if we're being honest she's been the big 1-6 for awhile now...)
So here ya go, LSK! This ones for you!

Reasons why having a Laura as your best friend rocks:
-She has the best fashion sense ever and an endless amount of colorful gap tees, and she (almost) never minds when I raid her closet and steal things and don't give them back for months.
-She's got great taste in music and will be your concert going buddy till the sun goes down. (not sure if that just made any sense...?)
-Also she listens to terrible music sometimes, but makes it seem awesome and cool and I don't know how she does it? Like, I've never seen someone dance and sing to Fergie quite like Laura does.
-She's basically a member of the family because she comes with us on all of our family vacations and thus, has to put up with my dad's endless teasing.
-She's the only one I can talk in hashtag to without automatically feeling stupid and wanting to take it back. #indatub #wifey #handsineachothersbackpockets #holla #hashtag
-We both hate the same things. It's great.
-She puts up with my teasing her about her age. She's 1 1/2 years younger than me and I never let her forget it...

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