Monday, March 21, 2011

Snow Day

we had a snow day not to long ago, which is kinda freaking ridiculous if you ask me. (whenever i say "ridiculous", i think of that one episode of modern family where the dad says: "ridicu-licious!" I swear i almost peed my pants from laughing.)
anyways, i took a bunch of pictures of my sister in the snow. here they are! :)

I got Lightroom 3, and I'm not really sure how to use it. I edited all these pictures with it, but i'm not sure if i like the outcome or not. they are all really contrast-y (is that a word?) which isn't really my thing...

but she's cute, so its all good. ;)

okay also,  i just have to say that i'm reading "the hunger games" and it is seriously rocking my world. i cant put it down. in fact, i am reading it as i am writting this. thats how crazy good it is. and i pretty much dominate at multitasking. just sayin.

she is seriously the cutest thing ever.

So yeah, there you have it. My sister in the snow. in march. goodness gracious.

1 comment:

Laura :D said...

"ridicu-licious" HAHAHAHA! I feel like you said that just for me. :)