Thursday, November 3, 2011

Halloween- Part One!

On the Friday before Halloween, my friends Jacob and B threw a big Halloween party. The rule was: "If you're not wearing a costume, your not allowed in the door." So everyone went all out. (I went as Audrey Hepburn from Breakfast at Tiffany's!) We played games and rocked out to songs like Monster Mash, Ghost Busters, and Teach me how to Jimmer. :) It was a blast!

equal parts nerdy and elegant.
we've got bieber fever! it's undeniable!


And remember my theory on blurry pictures being the best pictures?
Well drum roll please for my favorite picture ever.......

Tada! I love my friends. :)

1 comment:

Emma said...

I love your costume CassiDee!! Super cute :)