Sunday, October 9, 2011

well guys. it's been awhile.

school has been slowly but surely taking over my life.
i am going to college presentations on monday and tuesday.
which makes me feel really old.
other things that make me feel really old:
driving. like, legitimately driving. on a road. to church.
studying for SATs. kill me now.
paying for dinner. with a credit card.
people asking me if i'm in college.
having friends going on missions.
and the fact that i am almost 16. so weird...

in other news: i went to another dance last night.
and yes, i saw the cutie in the button up.
but no, he did not dance with me.
he did give me the heads-up-whats-up, though. so that was cool.
But guess what? I met somebody better.
he was wearing a red bowtie and red suspenders.
can you say "dream come true?"
he bumped into me and when i turned around to see who it was i almost died.
then he touched my shoulder and said: "i am so. sorry."
no big deal.

this week, 3 people told me i was a good singer.
{which is, funny because i am totally not. proof here.}
and 2 people asked me if i was a singer, and when i answered "hahaha. no." they said:
"really? you look like you would be a really good singer!"
what does that even mean?

speaking of good singers, have you heard this girl?
she is so great, i can hardly stand it.

peace out, dudes!

1 comment:

Madison said...

i love/hate feeling old. (:
and I know what you mean about studying for the SAT's. oh my gosh.

and the friends going on missions... my best friend left last week :(

but we're still young! still got some time for some craziness!

also.. you better have gotten the boy in the red bowtie and suspender's name.
it was fate.
i'm sure of it.