Monday, January 2, 2012


I have this friend. Her name is Whitney. She's super cute and has the best handwriting known to man. The other day she came over and helped me feng shui my bedroom. You know that one part in Never Been Kissed? I know you know which one I'm talking about. When Whitney and I watched it, she fell off of my bed and laughed for a solid 4+ minutes. Then we rewound it and slow motioned it. Probably the funniest night of my life.

I also have this friend named Tristin. He is super dorky and has the most obnoxious laugh in the world. We always walk to our classes together. He is friends with everyone. And seriously, I mean everyone. He has a thing for vampire TV shows and his T-shirts always match his shoes perfectly. I give him girl advice and he holds my bags for me while I take pictures. 

We are the three amigos.
The fab four- minus one.

The other day we showed up to school {somewhat} matching.
We didn't plan it.
It was ridiculously awesome.

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